StartseiteDO-Ausfahrten/Archivaus dem Jahre 2014

Infoletter: NEWS from Tramstr.100

Oerlikon, March 25, 2014

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Dear motorcycle rider

I am back from wonderful holidays: Sigrid, my girl-friend, and I left Zurich-Airport on Dec 28 and returned on Feb 28 – that means 2 month away from the every day life, having lots of time for enjoying new things in our mind! We first flew to Bangkok, where I visited Philip and his family. He is living since 1978 in the Far East, first in Japan, then in Thailand. He renovated his family home and gave a big party at Silvester with visitors from all over the world. Even his 91 year old father flew in from Herrliberg. After a few days Bangkok, staying in a very luxurious and comfortable «Hotel Rembrandt», we flew to Sydney, Australia. It was the first time for both of us, so it was a real new experience and – for sure – a good one. Friends of Sigrid picked us up at the airport and took us first to Bondi Beach, were we walked a while. After our 9 hour-flight I can’t tell too much about the sight-seeing after that walk trough the old part of Sydney, as most of the time my eyes were closed. I fell asleep in a moment when I lied down for some minutes on the bed in the home of these nice friends. You find more pictures and stories (in German) here

Australia is not only another continent, it is also another world. Everything is very relaxed, people are very helpful and sometimes it happens, that you are sitting in a train and you feel just like in an interview on a radio station! Everybody wants to know from where you are, what you have done, which place was the best, etc. etc. And the whole train is a part of conversation. And when you are on weekends at a place like Jetty Road at Glenelg (beach of Adelaide) or at Manly Beach in Sydney, then you see the difference. These guys and girls, of any age, know what «having fun» is!!! For more of our experiences, later on in Thailand, see the back page!

Saturday evening in Jetty Road at Glenelg/Adelaide   Saturday evening in Manly-Beach/Sydney  

As I could hear, the winter in Zurich was no winter at all. For the motorcycle riders it is for sure better then what the previous winter had been. I am back at work now and I am planing my next courses. The first Grundkurs didn’t take place because there were not enough participants.

Now I am planing two Kurventechnik-courses 1 on Friday and Saturday. At the moment I have 6 people interested to come, that’s not enough for two courses! I plan to give the Friday-course, March 28 from 8 to 17h, in German and the Saturday-course mainly in English! That’s the reason for the letter today. If you would like to repeat the Kurventechnik 1-course without theory it costs you only SFR 200.- If it is a long time ago that you took the course and you would like to join the theory also, then the cost is SFR 250.-, just the normal price.

That’s the reason for the letter today. If you would like to repeat the Kurventechnik 1-course without theory it costs you only SFR 200.- If it is a long time ago that you took the course and you would like to join the theory also, then the cost is SFR 250.-, just the normal price. The weather conditions should be good and the Kurventechnik-course is a very good «warming-up» for the new riding season. When you ride a proper curve-line, you are much safer: you see more, you see everything like road-conditions, oncoming traffic and road sections earlier and you have more time to react! The most danger comes from being surprised and overdoing things like emergy-braking in the middle of the curve, looking in the wrong place and doing everything not the way it should be. To be ready for all situations, the repetition of the Kurventechnikkurs 1 can help a lot. At the moment, I have no date yet for a Kurventechnikkurs 2. If you are interested in a course please send me an E-mail!

I wish you a good riding season

lots of sun and fun, yours

Urs Tobler

First stop in Bangkok with Philip Bächtold: Philip was in 2009 taking motorcycle lesson, to improve his riding style. I never thougt that I would ever been with him in Bangkok as guest, and I never thought I will be riding together with him in Thailand. The picture showed the «Swiss» table from right: Philip, his friend and architect Rolf, his golf-partner Reto and beside of Sigrid, Alex – Philips 91-year-old father! For me it was a very nice experience as we got know Philips daughter Lila and his son Tewin: Both growing up in Thailand, speaking Swiss German just like everybody else in the round. Philip is married to a Thai woman, I very nice and busy daughter of one of the famous families of Thailand. Normally these families don’t like to give their daughter to a man from a foreign country …

Leonor and Peter are friends of Sigrid, she worked together with him in Küsnacht in the SPITEX. Leonor was a «younger» patient and it just happened that they became a couple and decided to go to Australia, where Peter originally came from. They are living in Eastwood in Greater Sydney-area. Leonor on our GoldWing    
Reading maps in Australia is different: As soon you are not on a freeway (for us very strange: bicycles are allowed) you’ll find yourself on an unsealed road! The reason I was driving along was the river, which we followed for 50 kms, on a very winding, but dusty and rough road: Our clothing and the motorcycle turned the colour to red-beige … The same evening we washed our clothing and I cleaned the bike, which is very unusual for me: I like to ride the bike, I don’t like to clean it! I am not a Harley-rider!   
We followed the south-east coast, what means, that we visited beaches, ports, always along the coast. One of the parts was the 100 miles-beach, 160 kms long! Most of the time the roads were straight, not very interesting for motorcyclists – so we left the coast and went in the mountaines, just for 3 days. On these days we saw one group of 4 riders, they stayed in the same hotel/motel the other day, which was important for us: They have been on the way to the «Historic motorcycle races» on Phillip Island, otherwise we would have missed that great experience, the cualas and the little pinguins!   
After Phillip Island we headed west and ended up in Geelong, which was the big whool center during decades. From there we took the train to Melbourne. One of the highest points of our trip was the 88th floor of the Eureka-building. When we came out, looking back and up where we have just been, the picture on the right was extremly fascinating. And the story which happend some hours later, to see how it ended up, was just as extremly unforgettable. Visit my homepage and you will find the story behind that secret. Australia is really different, in any case: We wouldn’t like to ever miss it!    
Next we left Geelong, heading towards «The Great Ocean Road» - everybody told us, we will love it! The beginning was just the same, going straight … But then the curves started and we had always a nice view on the sea, which was very wild, so we saw many surfers waiting for the big wave! We shared till here the beaches with the Aussies: Everybody was in holidays! But now we shared with the chinese people, they spent their New Year-vacation in Australia and this part was just covered by them! It was hard to take a photo without a crowd of them! We loved the visitor centers: They gave as always very detailed maps, said where we have to stop, gave us good addresses for our stay, these persons are doing a very good job, lots of them as volunteers.   
This was one of the moments nobody was in the sight … It is really impressive, what happend to this coast. The next day we walked to many places, very close to the water and made some movies. The sea is real hard and the coasts name is Shipwreck Coast what means, that many sailing boats crashed in the rocks in the early years of exploration of this countryside. We stayed many days in this fascinating aera and visited the surrodurrunding. For example Otway Fly park, where we could walk up to the top of the trees: In a tower of 45 m we could join the neighborhood of the crowns of these tremendous trees.   
  Soon you will find more from our trip!    

Infoletter: NEWS from Tramstr.100

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